Doc template

Doc represents the structure of a document. It can be generated into HTML doc, Markdown or other formats.


Use ‘#’ to set the following sequence as a title of level one. The following examples shows how to define titles for any levels:

doc[HtmlDoc] myTemplate() {
    # Title level 1

    ## Title level 2

    ### Title level 3

    #(4) Title level 4

    #(5) Title level 5

Plain text

doc[HtmlDoc] myTemplate() {
    Plain text can ben added just this way.
    Compared to lang, data or cmd templates, there is no restriction to write anything.


An unordered or a numbered list can be defined like this:

doc[HtmlDoc] myTemplate() {
    [list "bullet"
    * An element
    * Another element
    * Even one more element

    [list "numbered"
    * First element
    * Second element
    * Third element




Code block


As is